

Welcome to our blog page dedicated to all things Medicaid reimbursement for schools and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Here, you’ll find a diverse collection of insightful blogs, providing valuable information and guidance on navigating the intricacies of Medicaid reimbursement and maximizing the potential of IEPs in educational settings.

English Language Learners
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In the realm of special education, Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) play a crucial role in ensuring that students with disabilities receive the tailored support they need to succeed academically and emotionally. However, managing IEP paperwork can be a daunting task for school districts. Mountains of paperwork, compliance issues, and communication barriers often plague the process.

Fortunately, technology is coming to the rescue. In this blog post, we’ll explore common challenges faced by school districts in managing IEP paperwork and how software solutions can alleviate these issues.


How the Sunk Cost Fallacy Is Affecting Your Buying Decisions

Streamlining Efficiency: Interfacing Your School SIS with Medicaid Systems

School Medicaid Billing

Inside IEP – Actionable Insights and Innovations for Student Support

Exploring Trends in School-Based IEP and Medicaid Reimbursement Software

Maximizing Teacher Productivity: How a 4-Day Work Week Boosts Education and Work-Life Balance

Medicaid Compliance: Audit Readiness Guide for Schools

Educational Excellence: Go Solutions’ Holistic Value for School Districts

FERPA Consent for School-Based Medicaid Billing: Balancing Educational Support and Privacy Protection

IEP software

IEP Paperwork Challenges and the Benefits of IEP Software

Time management in education

The Power of Focus Time and Time Management for School Leaders and Administrators 

Section 504

Unlocking Educational Accessibility: Section 504 & Online IEPs

open care

Unveiling Open Care: The Transformation of School-Based Medicaid in Illinois and Indiana

Medicaid Compliance Plan

Maintaining Compliance for School-Based Medicaid Services Across All States

English Language Learners

Unlocking Opportunities: English Language Learners in School Districts

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